Expanded End Production

Issue #941 on hold
Eric B Jones repo owner created an issue

When ending production of a component, allow the user to go through a list of vehicles so that they can end production of them first.

The user will be prompted with following with the end production button only visible if all boxes are checked:

This component is used in a vehicle under contract. Would you like to end those contracts? (If No, do not allow end production of component.)

This component is used in active vehicle designs. Would you like to end production of these vehicles? (If No, do not allow end production of component.)

This component is used in active contracts.Would you like to end those contracts? (If No, do not allow end production of component.)

This component is used in active racing teams. Would you like to end those teams. (If No, do not allow end production of component.)

There is an option to end production of all the vehicles as well.

After all vehicle designs are ended, we show the same prompt for the component and allow for it to be ended.

This system should be merged with the view window as in another ticket where we merge modification system with view.