Validate settings when importing and warn the user in case of error

Issue #1 new
Cordarion the Grey created an issue

While importing, invalid JSON fields (with e.g. syntax errors or schema errors) silently get rejected.

Comments (4)

  1. Erinome repo owner

    How come that a user wants to import valid JSON-packed settings list which contains invalid JSON subfields? If the whole settings text got broken (i.e. due to wrong copy-paste boundaries) it will be rejected with a warning. And if a subfield has broken JSON inside it then it was probably exported this way and was broken anyway.

  2. Cordarion the Grey reporter

    He exported his settings, used an external text editor to write a bunch of JSON objects, but forgot a comma somewhere, and tried to import back.

    Adding a dozen of blacklist entries with current interface is a pain.

  3. Erinome repo owner

    Current interface allows export/import of a single setting. Also it has a (working) confirmation dialog showing a message whether an import was successful.

    However currently it just fails with an error on a broken JSON - it will be fixed.

  4. Cordarion the Grey reporter

    The issue still exists when importing all settings (through a form at the bottom of the page, not lightboxes).

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