Addition of sleeping phase into the informer

Issue #17 wontfix
Hankvi Guidza created an issue

I was thinking if there could be a boolean variable called “IsSleeping” to denote whether the hero{|ine} sleeps or not.

I feel like it’s useful for those who want their hero{|ine} to skip sleeping - especially on longer sleep forecasts.

Alternatively, it’s also to prevent from doing such interruptions like side jobs or for the Book of Creation.

Comments (4)

  1. Cordarion the Grey

    Unfortunately, the only way to detect if a hero is sleeping is by looking at the latest diary entry. This is very fragile: it will start misdetecting as soon as Godville devs accept new phrases, which can happen at any time, and we won’t even notice that within any reasonable amount of time. We’ve been collecting “sleeping” phrases for both Russian and English Godville for a while (form; Google-translated). But the number of people who are doing this is particularly small, so convinient variable like gv.isSleeping is not going to show up in eGUI+ soon since it could not be relied upon if it did exist.

    However, you’re encouraged to set up an informer as described on the page linked above. It should work most of the time, and when it doesn’t, please, send the problematic phrase to the form. Important: please, copy code from the original page, not from the translated one. Google messes it up.

    Hope that helps, more or less.

  2. Erinome repo owner

    I would be glad to hear your suggestions on how to implement this boolean variable without collecting all the possible past and future diary phrases of the sleeping phase and comparing them with current diary entries.

    Upd: Too slow…

  3. Hankvi Guidza reporter

    @Cordarion the Grey Yeah I suppose it would be unpredictable to maintain a set DB for that. However, thanks so much for having the informer code handy! I too thought of using the last diary entry check as well, but would have to sift through thousands of screenshots to retrieve them (or wait a long time)

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