Lay/Sacrifice timer not resetting

Issue #19 resolved
Hankvi Guidza created an issue

23:19 Placed thirty heavy bags of gold on the altar, offered a prayer to the Almighty... Voila — my experience bar greatly increase in size.


When my hero arrived to Godville and sacrificed 30k gold, the green checkmark did not initiate a timer and the ticker indicated an increase of 11% XP without penalty.

Addendum 1: The phrase above is grammatically incorrect on the latter part and a correction was sent.

Addendum 2: The head equipment was bold during the time. Not sure if that affects sacrifices or not…

Comments (7)

  1. Cordarion the Grey

    Thank you for your report! Apparently, this phrase has been edited recently and is not recognized by eGUI+ yet. To be fixed. Sorry, I cannot think of an easy way for you to reset the timer manually. Except sacrificing again, that is.

    Can you remember what exact correction you suggested? “Has greatly increased”? It changed only the second sentence, didn’t it?

    If my memory serves me right (Upd: it does), there was a research in Russian Godville that proved that a bold equipment item on the head increases experience gained from converting gold at the temple by ~1.5x, and from killing monsters (regular ones, not boss monsters), as well as from completing quests, by ~10x. So yes, receiving an 11% boost instead of 8% (without penalty) is normal — if we make an assumption that known formulae hold in English Godville. Perhaps, we should take it into account when calculating the percentage for the tooltip.

    Also, I suspect that the word “laying” used throughout our code base is a mistake of the unfortunately common type “lost in translation.” Is this the case? If so, what could you suggest for a replacement? I’d like to avoid “sacrificing” if possible since it has another meaning: it’s primarily a voice command.

  2. Cordarion the Grey

    I’ve got a new sacrificing phrase, too:

    Placed ten bags of gold on the sacrificial altar, yada, yada, yada... Got a nice chunk of experience.

  3. Hankvi Guidza reporter

    Ah, spring cleaning; always a chore, almost never a pleasure. Here’s my corrected version - as corrected as I could get it - underlined are the changes:

    Placed thirty heavy bags of gold on the altar, offered a prayer to the Almighty and... Voila – my experience bar has greatly increased in size.

    An interesting observation (even though I can’t really see in RGV) about the XP increase from the equipment. Could be more helpful to have the formula in place when bolded, but could probably do with some research on the English side. I also with the XP numbers (not percentages) were more easily accessible than just the Pantheon of Might, but it might be just me.

    As far as terms go, “converting” seems feasible, as I was initially confused to what laying could possibly meant.

  4. Hankvi Guidza reporter

    Got it approved:

    Placed thirty heavy bags of gold on the altar, offered a prayer to the Almighty and... Voila — my experience bar has greatly increased in size.


  5. Cordarion the Grey

    a bold equipment item on the head increases experience gained from converting gold at the temple by ~1.5x, and from killing monsters (regular ones, not boss monsters), as well as from completing quests, by ~10x.

    I was wrong, 1.5x is overestimated. 1.25x should be closer to the reality (changed in b137309). Also, I’m not sure if experience from quests is really affected.

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