User CSS styles don't work in erinome logs

Issue #21 invalid
Katov Mike created an issue

I added a rule in “User CSS“ field.

.dmc.absolutelyUnknown {background: rgba(255, 255, 220, 0.5);}

It works in godville logs, but does not work in logs like this:

Comments (3)

  1. Erinome repo owner

    All UI+ settings are currently stored in localStorage object, which is bound to the origin of a page. localStorage contents are different even between http: and https: schemes of the same domain, not to mention different domains. Thus any setting set on i.e. domain just can’t be automatically transferred to domain. Most likely this could be achieved via some tricky internal extension code, but it never was implemented. To workaround the inability to specify “User CSS” at otherwise, a “CSS” button was added near the bottom of any archived chronicle page. There you can place the rules you want to apply to all the pages of chronicle archive domain.

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