Route set

#11 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in cmdr-furrycat/edts/route-set (pull request #11)

aeecff9·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-03-14


  • Don't bomb out if no routes were found.

  • Refactor tours as a named parameter to solve methods.

  • Added mode to choose from a set of candidate destinations.

    Arguments following the new --route-set switch form a list of destinations from which we should choose only one (or the number specified by --route-set-min and/or --route-set-max) to add to the route.

    As an example, suppose you were planning to travel from Alacarakmo to Wuthielo Ku and wanted to collect some rare goods along the way. To choose from a list of candidate systems you could run the following: -j 30 -s Alacarakmo -e "Wuthielo Ku" --route-set Bast Eranin "Kappa Fornacis" Lave Leesti "Tarach Tor"

    Multiple route sets may be specified and will be honoured.

    Note that using a route set implies --solve-mode=basic. We can't use clustered mode because there's no way to guarantee that all destinations in a set will be present in a cluster.

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