FFEA tools cannot read .vol file produced in tutorial

Issue #15 resolved
Robert Welch created an issue

The .vol file (this time created in netgen) cannot be read in the FFEA tools, specifically in the FFEA_surface module. Even with a correct .vol file, the output is the same:

Using command 'python /localhome/py12rw/Software/LocalInstall/usr/local/lib/python2.7/FFEA_initialise/FFEA_convert_from_volume/FFEA_convert_from_volumetric_mesh.py --mesh emd_5043_10ang_fixed.vol --density 1.5e3 --shear_visc 1e-3 --bulk_visc 1e-3 --shear_mod 5.5e8 --bulk_mod 2.2e9 --dielec 1.0 --make_script'

Loading FFEA node file...
Loading FFEA topology file...
Loading FFEA surface file...
Error. This topology cannot be paired with this surface.
Loading FFEA surface file...
    File '' not found. Returning empty object...
Loading FFEA material file...
    File '' not found. Returning empty object...
Loading FFEA pin file...
    File '' not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/localhome/py12rw/Software/LocalInstall/usr/local/lib/python2.7/FFEA_initialise/FFEA_convert_from_volume/FFEA_convert_from_volumetric_mesh.py", line 123, in <module>
    vdw = FFEA_vdw.FFEA_vdw()
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

Looking up this error, I found the string 'This topology cannot be paired' in a function that appears to verify something to do with the faces and elements (perhaps that there are the same number of faces as there iare 3-way connections between elements?). I have no idea why this would be the case, and the model itself (attached) looks perfectly normal in netgen.

Edit: adding to this, I found that the variable 'success' in get_element_indices, in the FFEA_surface file, is zero.

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