PyMOL segfaults on loading FFEA file

Issue #17 resolved
Robert Welch created an issue
Loading ffea file: /localhome/py12rw/Temp/tutorial/katrina/simulation/2r5u_8ang.ffea

Loading blob 0, conformation 0
Loading FFEA node file...
Loading FFEA surface file...
Loading FFEA vdw file...
Loading FFEA topology file...
Loading FFEA material file...
Loading FFEA stokes file...
Loading FFEA pin file...
Loading FFEA springs file...
File '' not found.
Unrecognised file extension ''.
Setting nodes as initial frame...
Moving to starting position...
[  9.31723686e-14   9.35903349e-14  -3.27207915e-14]
Loading FFEA trajectory file...
/usr/bin/pymol: line 3:  4694 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) /usr/bin/python /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/pymol/ "$@"

Unlike the previous error, this does not give as much information on where the issue comes from. It might be because of the non-existent springs file, I will have a look this afternoon.

Comments (2)

  1. Robert Welch reporter

    Unchecking 'show springs' gets rid of the error, but does not prevent the program from crashing.

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