Pymol plugin not thread safe

Issue #19 resolved
Ben Hanson created an issue

When tar'ed correctly and installed, the pymol plugin creates a separate thread to load the trajectory. But the internet says that tkinter is not thread safe, and would explain the following errors I get trying to load the attached system:

loading frame 125 for blob 0 loading frame 126 for blob 0 loading frame 127 for blob 0 loading frame 128 for blob 0 loading frame 129 for blob 0 loading frame 130 for blob 0 loading frame 131 for blob 0 loading frame 132 for blob 0 loading frame 133 for blob 0 loading frame 134 for blob 0 loading frame 135 for blob 0 loading frame 136 for blob 0 loading frame 137 for blob 0 loading frame 138 for blob 0 loading frame 139 for blob 0 loading frame 140 for blob 0 loading frame 141 for blob 0 Exception _tkinter.TclError: 'out of stack space (infinite loop?)' in <bound method IntVar.del of <Tkinter.IntVar instance at 0x7f369d850638>> ignored Exception _tkinter.TclError: 'out of stack space (infinite loop?)' in <bound method IntVar.del of <Tkinter.IntVar instance at 0x7f369d850248>> ignored Exception _tkinter.TclError: 'out of stack space (infinite loop?)' in <bound method IntVar.del of <Tkinter.IntVar instance at 0x7f369d8505a8>> ignored Exception _tkinter.TclError: 'out of stack space (infinite loop?)' in <bound method StringVar.del of <Tkinter.StringVar instance at 0x7f369d850680>> ignored Exception _tkinter.TclError: 'out of stack space (infinite loop?)' in <bound method IntVar.del of <Tkinter.IntVar instance at 0x7f369d8505f0>> ignored Exception _tkinter.TclError: 'out of stack space (infinite loop?)' in <bound method IntVar.del of <Tkinter.IntVar instance at 0x7f369d850908>> ignored Exception _tkinter.TclError: 'out of stack space (infinite loop?)' in <bound method IntVar.del of <Tkinter.IntVar instance at 0x7f369d850758>> ignored Exception _tkinter.TclError: 'out of stack space (infinite loop?)' in <bound method IntVar.del of <Tkinter.IntVar instance at 0x7f369d85fb00>> ignored Exception _tkinter.TclError: 'out of stack space (infinite loop?)' in <bound method IntVar.del of <Tkinter.IntVar instance at 0x7f369d85fb48>> ignored

This doesn't actually crash anything, everything is thrown and caught successfully and continues perfectly, but it may cause a user a bit of a panic. Assigning to myself, but any ideas would be appreciated

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