[ Visualiser ]: Plotting scalar and vectorial fields

Issue #2 new
Albert Solernou Crusat created an issue

The trajectory file has: x y z v_x v_y v_z phi F_x F_y F_z where x, y, z stand for the position of each node, v_x, v_y, v_z are the velocities of each node, phi is related to the electrostatic energy, and F_x, F_y and F_z are the components of the force for each node.

It would be very useful to us if you could colour the nodes or the faces according to the force that they suffer, either showing a single value (F = sqrt( F_x^2 + F_y^2 + F_z^2) ) or showing a vectorial field, with arrows showing the direction of the forces and colours according to its magnitude.

It would be also very useful if we could plot whatever quantity that is not written in the trajectory file, therefore reading an extra file. The more flexibility, the better.

You will have to explore whether that can be done at all with Paraview or not. Remember that VizIt also reads VTK files, so you may want to explore it if stuck.

Comments (3)

  1. Albert Solernou Crusat reporter

    Ondra wrote a script to convert our trajectories into VTK, so that trajectories could be loaded in Paraview. We'll ship that someday with the "ffeatools"

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