FFEA plugin with Pymol 1.8.4 encounters divide by zero when loading rod trajectories

Issue #47 resolved
Ryan Cocking created an issue

roddev branch (10/06/2020)

Note: the ‘_edit’ suffix to the FFEAplugin folder is only there because I made some minor code edits to print some variables whilst debugging.

I am unable to visualise rod trajectories using Pymol 1.8.4, after running a simulation using the default parameters and FFEA script stated in the html rod documentation. This bug does not appear with blob-only simulations.

Looking in the plugin’s load_FFEAmethod where this bug originates, having total_num_nodes as zero seems very wrong. Shouldn’t rod and blob nodes be counted up into the same variable?

The following snippet starts at line 878 of __init__.py, in the load_ffea function of the FFEA_viewer_control_window class:

Please find attached the FFEA and python (2.7) scripts used to produce the files that replicate this error.

Comments (4)

  1. Ryan Cocking reporter

    As it turns out, I was using an outdated version of the FFEAplugin from an older branch of roddev. The latest roddev (10/06/2020) has fixed this!

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