Create an interactive graphical interface for FFEA

Issue #63 new
Jarvellis Rogers created an issue

Users of FFEA have said they wish FFEA to be more interactive to make performing common tasks easier and less time-consuming (especially the more trial-and-error processes). They have suggested the creation of a graphical interface that can be used to do the following:

  • Create, edit, and analyse meshes.
  • Position objects in a simulation setup, including performing rotations.
  • Set up interactions between objects in an FFEA system, such as collisions and bonds.
  • Create and connect rods.
  • Select nodes, elements, and faces through clicking the mouse to view properties such as indices, and edit parameters such as pinning.

If an interface like this had pointers to the files it reads in, then it could be made able to edit them on the fly, and existing functionality in FFEAtools could be called from the interface instead of re-writing new functions.

This proposal was suggested in the evaluation report for FFEA 2.7.2.

Comments (1)

  1. Jarvellis Rogers reporter

    It has also been suggested that if a GUI like this was created then porting to virtual reality would allow for additional interactivity.

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