Minor proposals from FFEA 2.7.2 evaluation report

Issue #68 new
Jarvellis Rogers created an issue

The following are a list of proposals/enhancements/tasks that were suggested in the evaluation report of FFEA 2.7.2 that were minor suggestions with less detail.

  • Create a robust installation wizard for FFEA.
  • Make FFEA error messages more consistently helpful and detailed.
  • Make the documentation and code lookup on the FFEA website more consistent, and simplify the menus.
  • Add a function to the FFEA visualizer that allows for two (or more) trajectories to be opened so they can be compared and independently controlled. This would require moving away from PyMOL as that loads everything in scenes and so is unable to do this.
  • Make the material axes of rods translucent and with an arrowhead in the FFEA viewer to make it clearer they are references rather than part of the structure.
  • Add tooltips to the FFEA viewer windows that explains each option instead of requiring users to look them up in the documentation.
  • Make the FFEA runner print a log file of the stdout by default rather than just printing to terminal.
  • Replace Matplotlib with a different plotting tool due to bugs occurring with complex plots (such as logarithmic plots) and the confusing API.
  • Change the repository branch structure to an alpha-beta-gamma model (these branches have already been created and started to be used, so just continue doing so!).
  • Hire a dedicated research software engineer to perform maintenance work.

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