Vector subtraction in function 'rod::point_lies_on_rod_line_element()' gives inconsistent results

Issue #69 resolved
Ryan Cocking created an issue

The vector subtraction:

vec3d(n){vec3d(n){r1_c[n] = c[n] - r1[n];}

will inconsistently give strange results, such as [1,0,0]-[0,0,0] = [1.07,0,0], usually appearing to add something on when attempting to subtract.

This only seems to happen when the function is called from a larger function, rod::get_point_on_connecting_line(), during the test ffea_test::line_connecting_rod_elements(). Are the arguments being passed in wrong?

The independent unit test of rod::point_lies_on_rod_line_element() does not show such behaviour.

This bug could interfere with assigning point of connection during rod collision.

The attached output shows an example (line 47). There is an error of -0.0669873 in x, and -0.25 in z.

Comments (7)

  1. Ryan Cocking reporter

    Printing c - r1 per-element seems to solve this problem. See second attached text file.

  2. Ryan Cocking reporter

    However, replacing the vec3d statement with individual subtractions replicates the error!!

  3. Ryan Cocking reporter

    Turns out, doing the vector subtraction before vs. after the if-statements that assign c to a rod node or not, gives different outcomes! (subtracting before gives the buggy behaviour)

  4. Ryan Cocking reporter

    Did some fiddling around and it seems to have solved itself. I have a strong suspicion that I was using the wrong values of r1 and c to check if the answer to the function was correct. No apparent 'error' in the calculation now occurs! Hooray for silly mistakes!!

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