Black Rectangles covering UI on WPNS and HELM tabs

Issue #10 resolved
Former user created an issue

Black rectangles are covering parts of the window when the WPNS or HELM tab are selected.



Crank Version b35b Chrome Version 51.0.2704.84 (64-bit) OSX 10.10.5

Comments (8)

  1. Kev Bourque repo owner

    I've never been able to duplicate this bug, but have seen it come up a few times. Would you be able to attach your save file with it happening as well?

    Those boxes are there to deliberately cover things up, but they're supposed to be blending in perfectly with the background.

  2. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Writing this mostly to remember what to do later....

    It's strange, I've got some code in place now that does checks every few seconds to make sure those boxes match the background colour. When I try it on my dev builds it's fine, but when I try it in the browser it doesn't seem to be firing (or is, and just doing nothing, I can't tell). It's using a WebGL effect to match the colour as the background transitions... and I've noticed the WebGL stuff isn't always perfect.

    I'm going to use the current block that's glitched as a "transition" block and hide it when not transitioning in those power up / down phases. I'll use a static one underneath that just uses the right colour.

  3. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Don't remember fixing this, but just tested it in b38a and they disappear properly now... so I'm going to mark this as fixed unless it pops up again.

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