Fabricator upgrades can make it hard to restart after dying

Issue #134 new
Dave Vasilevsky created an issue

If I "Upgrade Fabricator" 20 times, it now produces 21 scrap metal for 105 power. Unfortunately, after I lose a battle I have a max of 100 power, so I can't afford the power cost to make scrap! Without scrap, I can't make batteries, so I can't raise my power max.

The only option seems to be scanning until I find an event that gives me scrap, and then turning that into batteries.

Comments (3)

  1. Dave Vasilevsky reporter

    Another small Upgrade Fabricator bug: When I hover over the "[+]" button for a non-scrap resource (like batteries), nothing appears in the infobox. It should probably show the cost to upgrade.

  2. Kev Bourque repo owner

    The text showing up is fixed in b40.

    The issue with producing 21 scrap metal per click is something I never even considered. Doing something to raise the max power along with it seems the most sensible option. I'll have to think about the best way to go about it.

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