Research of bots efficiency disappeared

Issue #148 new
Former user created an issue

The title explain all. But here's another bug. The log of a Solar Panel upgrade says Battery instead of Solar Panel

Comments (3)

  1. randomdude999

    Research disappears when there is nothing more to research about it (at least that's how I remember it). In your case, you have maxed out the crackbot's efficiency. Also, put separate bugs in separate bug reports, they are easier to manage that way.

  2. Pablo M. (MithranArkanere)

    No. Research disappears when it's green and it has been completed, and a "Research completed" message appears in the log.

    Research that goes gray instead disappearing becomes unlimited.

    If Crankbot efficiency is not meant to be unlimited, it should stay green until completed. But it goes gray, then it disappears for some people.

    Since efficiency is needed to make bots lasts long enough to have more of them before the first ones break, the bug here isn't that it doesn't stay green until it disappers, but that it disappears when it should stay green and unlimited.

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