Saved game don't load , lost 10 hours of progress

Issue #169 resolved
Kevin999 created an issue

(version b39) I can't attach the game file cause I don't have one I just save the game in the menu where it says 'save game' and leave, but today the only buttons that were working were 'delete', 'new' and the 'export' option. And another thing, where is that thing that makes the game go faster, cause I want to use it, no way I'm going to play 10 hours the same thing.

Comments (3)

  1. Kev Bourque repo owner

    The game never deletes save files. There's no code in place for that at all. The only way to clear it is to wipe browser settings. There's an option to "delete" your save, but that really just deletes the pointer to it, not the save itself.

    That said, there's some debug stuff that might help you out. You can try to "force" the loading of a save file. On the main menu, tap "Backspace" to make the Load buttons appear even if a save isn't detected. If you still have a save file, this will allow you to load it.

    You can also check your browser settings and and scour your localDB for it if you want to get technical. It's all saved in there as one long "JSON" string. If you copy and paste it into a text editor and save it as "mygame.json" (filename doesn't really matter, just the .json part) you can try importing that.

    If none of that works you can start a new game. Tap the "up arrow" a bunch of times (about 10 if I recall) to make a little textbox appear in the bottom corner. But in a number between 1-99 to work as a speed multiplier (putting in 10 makes most elements of the game run 10 times as fast). I wouldn't advise going to 100 or higher as those values include some other stuff that can potentially break the game. When you want debug mode to go away, type "DONE" into the box.

    Hope that helps!

  2. Kevin999 reporter

    Thanks! my save is gone... but that little trick will help me to catch up very quicky. Thanks.

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