Slight graphical issues

Issue #192 new
Former user created an issue

Alright, so I should mention that my graphical drivers are very glitchy, and as a result, the crank page sometimes 'dies', leaving just buttons, with a black background (unresponsive) until I reload the page. Anyway, upon reloading the page after one of these instances, all of the blank planets that I had scanned had their static effect removed, despite me never reaching them. I didn't think much of it, until I jumped to the first of these affected planets (four of them), and I noticed that the "Attack Base" button now reads "Err: No Base", despite the base being present. I can still attack it normally, so it is probably just the wrong string, and nothing more.

One other issue I have found, is when you first get the helm, and it generates the planet map, every single one of the planets (including those outside of the helm's 'window') show up as green squares, and move around slightly (probably being adjusted) until the helm finishes scanning the area, and everything returns to normal. Recurring bug for me.

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