Invisible Base

Issue #38 resolved
Former user created an issue

I went to attack a base in the star sector EISSRILAV, and the base appeared for a brief moment and faded out of existence. Otherwise, the fight continued as normal, and the base was successfully destroyed. I had just finished a fight with an enemy viper, and it is possible that the viper may not have finished vanishing at that point, causing the base to be given the same vanishing effect the viper was undergoing. An image is provided, which I was able to get just before the base was destroyed.

Comments (4)

  1. GameCharmer

    I'm able to repeat this reliably on every planet. At the very end of attacking a ship, start an attack on a base and you'll wind up without an image.

  2. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Good to know it's repeatable.

    The enemies all have 3 states, "Alive", "Dying", and "Dead". I'm doing checks to make sure you can't start a base attack if the enemy is Alive or Dying, but I think the Dying state is becoming false too early or something. Should be a pretty easy fix at least.

  3. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Fixed this in b38a. Ends up the error message was popping up if the enemy was "Alive" or "Dying", but the check to have the button work was only to see if the enemy was "Alive". Looks like it actually applied to any enemy encounter at all, not just bases.

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