Scrap Bottleneck

Issue #43 new
Kev Bourque repo owner created an issue

Mostly making this as a note to self.

Allow boosting over 100%.

Currently the system works by counting up to 1000, and resetting to 0 once it's over the threshold and adding item. Instead, allow boosting to go up to 200%, 300%, and so on. Instead of resetting it to 0, subtract it by 1000 and add 1 item for every 1000 subtracted.

This will allow the system to add 2, 3, 4, 10, whatever scrap metal per tick and allowing the player to upgrade out of the bottleneck.

Comments (3)

  1. GameCharmer

    In terms of subtracting instead of resetting, please apply this to the other construction items as well.

  2. Kev Bourque reporter

    Of course. I doubt the other items will see nearly as much use, but it makes sense to uncap production everywhere.

  3. Paƙanoik

    Actually I like that scrap bottleneck, it forces me to find another ways to obtain it .. well, atm only way are factories. But what about possibility to buy max speed upgrades for scrap fabricator? On mid game, traders are totally useless, adding some small chance to buy 1 point cap for fabricator definitelly resurect my interest.

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