Mass clicking

Issue #72 on hold
Pařanoik created an issue

I would like to use some faster clicking, for example when building fabribots, I could use something like Shift+Click = 10 clicks, Ctrl+Click = 100 Clicks, Shift+Ctrl+Click = 1000 Clicks.

Comments (9)

  1. Kev Bourque repo owner

    This is something I want to avoid. It's a norm for a lot of incrementals, but not one I find all that intuitive or really care for. Also, it doesn't really work given that everything takes time to make which isn't something I'm going to change. That's what the sliders are for.

  2. Pařanoik reporter

    In endgame, even worse with b37 and oversupply, I have to click over 100x on Increase max scrap to empty my supplies.

  3. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Ahh, got'cha. So not for creating items but for the "instant" upgrades. Currently, you can just click once and hold the Enter key to buy a ton of upgrades. The requirements are low enough that mass clicking like that should never really be needed. I'll re-open it though and consider adding something like that as hidden functionality somewhere for the people that may want it.

  4. Pařanoik reporter

    Great .. well .. why am I getting this now .. after thousands of clicks :D poor mouse button, poor my finger ;D

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