Can't Make Antimatter

Issue #77 resolved
Former user created an issue

Antimatter conversion is fully researched, however I am unable to allocate excess power to create antimatter. The slider will not move to the right from the middle, although I am able to move it left to expend antimatter and generate power.

Comments (4)

  1. Paƙanoik

    Well, you just can't start creating antimatter from power when you started to get power from antimatter. Just turn auto off and finish it first with sliding to left. Then you are able to slide to right.

    So, if this is the issue, I'm for lowering priority to minor.

  2. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Can't seem to replicate this. You can't be part way through converting Antimatter to Power and then try to convert Power to Antimatter so that may be the issue? Will close it for now, but if someone's able to upload a save of this happening I'll take a closer look at it then.

  3. Brandon Twede

    I am having this issue as well. How can I get a copy of my save to you?

    Edit: Nevermind. It was the "halfway through using antimatter" issue

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