crankbots breaking from good condition

Issue #79 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have cbot.eff locked in research, current at 21. They break with the worst in good condition at such a rate that they are now breaking as fast as I can replace them. May be working as intended and I just need to research more. Just submitting so you can take a look. On 37b, but not listed below.

Comments (2)

  1. Kev Bourque repo owner

    I think this is working as intended. I loaded up the save and manually tweaked some values of the CrankBots while debugging. I wasn't able to duplicate a CrankBot failing with decent durability, though.

    They currently work by having an assigned "durability", which is how many times they can run. The current values show the ones in your save can each turn the crank 1500 times before going to a "failing" state. The check to get rid of them is pretty simple; to keep the CPU usage down it only checks the one with the highest "times run", and if it's above the CrankBot's durability, there's a small chance it can fail. The more times it's run, the higher this failure chance becomes. Because it's only checking the worst one, it can lead to a succession of CrankBots failing at once which can be weird (but I kinda like anyways). The status text also updates slowly (ever few seconds) so it might be causing a discrepancy somewhere?

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