Unable to attack base

Issue #86 resolved
Former user created an issue

For planets that have hostiles as "low", "very low", "scarce" and "None".

When I click the "Attack Base" from the "SCAN" tab the outline of a notification window (like a trade window) shows for a partial second then disappears.

Using Chrome browser, all up to date, no extensions.

Comments (4)

  1. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Do you have a save file you can export and attach that I can use to check it out by any chance?

  2. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Fixed in b38b.

    Pushing this out on it's own now, just because. Even though I haven't actually advertised b38 as a release yet. ;)

  3. Jordon Kraft

    I do have a save, but it seems I wasn't logged in when I created the ticket.

    Thanks for the fix It has been resolved.

    If you still want the save i can put it up.

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