Factories producing at different speed in sector

Issue #89 resolved
Kev Bourque repo owner created an issue

The production of my factories seems to change if I am in that sector or not. When I am in that sector, the production makes sense. Scrap is made very quickly and duranium takes longer. However as soon as I leave the sector the production changes, both scrap and duranium takes the same time to produce. One factory produces multiple duranium per second. I literally can't use the duranium fast enough because most things that upgrade with duranium need scrap too.

P.S even without the shipments, my 0% AB duranium is consuming scrap almost as fast as my 100% AB scrap is being made. I have all the scrap research upgrades, is there any way to increase scrap production further?

Comments (3)

  1. Kev Bourque reporter

    Fixed in b38c. Might require visiting the sector and changing the Factory Type for the change to take effect.

    It ends up values weren't resetting, so everything was being made instantly once you made a single one. Oops.

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