Instantly locks up

Issue #90 resolved
Jordon Kraft created an issue

I created my first factory, just as it started creating bots it locked up. Each time i load into the game it plays for about .5 seconds then stops.

I would give you the save but I am unsure how to get it out of the indexedDB, copy and past from the debugger tools didn't work.

Comments (6)

  1. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Note to self: Was able to duplicate this bug. Seems unrelated to Factories, but actually the CheckCosts() function in when fabricating Scrap Metal.

  2. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Related to the CheckCosts() under Scrap Metal Mass Fab on Line 1276. Disabling this seems to fix the issue.

    @MasterKraft - I'm uploading a version with this disabled. It will result in some free scrap metal, but can you load your save if you still have it and see if it resumes the game?

    The version is b38c. I don't have a proper fix yet, but at least I think this is the problem.

  3. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Cool, good to know that was the case for you too and the bug isn't persistent in like a million places. At least now I have a save with the issue apparent. I'll keep looking into it to see if I can find out what's messing it up.

  4. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Fixed in b38d (uploaded now).

    Ends up it was a fucked while loop when I was trying to improve scrap metal production awhile back, and totally forgot about it.

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