Crankbot Status (possible bug?)

Issue #91 resolved
Jordon Kraft created an issue

So the crank bots condition is calculating weird and could use a better explanation of what is happening.

The game I attached has average "Perfect" yet maximum/best is "Excellent". To me if the condition was a 1-10 rating, then perfect is 10 and excellent is 9, how can the average be higher than the maximum?

then the poorest is "Failing" so i hit "Destroy"...then destroy again..i hit it 54 times before it changes to excellent. I have 55 crank bots.

Now I am only using "5" crank bots to crank, so I would expect that after clicking 5 times I would see a better "worst" crank bot.

A better explanation or understanding of what si going in with crank bots and their conditioning would be great.

Maybe even some upgrades that let you choose the bot priority, like: a) Use best bot first b) Use bots until they die c) Use only bots that are greater than __

Comments (5)

  1. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Fixed-ish in b38f.

    So the way it works is a bit weird.

    If you have 5 active CrankBots, 5 "CrankBots objects" are created. It's drawing from this pool of CrankBots and using that for the best and worse. When grabbing the average, it was taking the average condition of them, but using all 55 crankbots (not the original 5) to get the average condition.

    So, the best "active", can be "good", the worst can be "failing", but if you have enough in reserve they'll bump the average up because they're all technically perfect. I've changed it so the average pulls from the active bots.

  2. Jordon Kraft reporter

    Ok, what happens when i destroy a bot? does it destroy from "CrankBots objects" then queue in one from the pool of crank bots?

  3. Kev Bourque repo owner

    Ahh, damn. Yeah, I see what's happening now.

    In the past I had it set for all CrankBots to be active (so a CrankBot object was created for each). When you destroy one, it just lowers the count. Before, when the number of CrankBot objects was greater than the number you had, it'd destroy the worst. Now, the end result is to just destroy one.

    I've amended the fix. It'll now make a point of destroying the CrankBot in the worst condition now instead of just letting the system take care of it.

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