Thoughts on marking Map/Cell methods virtual?

Issue #9 new
Jacob Hammack created an issue


What are your thoughts about making Map/Cell methods virtual to allow them to be overwritten? I am working to add a OverworldMap which just adds a elevation field to the Map/Cell classes and I pretty much have to duplicate the code in Map/Cell vs just override a few methods in a subclass.

Ideally I'd also like to add some tile based lighting values also which would be another duplication, but this would probably be at the Map / Cell level.

What are your thoughts? Is there a better way? Not sure if I missed a best practices for adding new map generator types/etc.

Comments (1)

  1. Faron Bracy repo owner

    It seems like a good idea but I'd need a little more time to think about it. If you want to give it a shot I'm happy to review / accept the pull request.

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