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RogueSharp / RogueSharp.Algorithms / README

RogueSharp.Algorithms Namespace

Algorithms for creating and traversing graphs which have many applications including pathfinding.


Class Description
DepthFirstPaths The DepthFirstPaths class represents a data type for finding paths from a source vertex to every other vertex in an undirected graph using depth-first search.
DijkstraShortestPath The DijkstraShortestPath class represents a data type for solving the single-source shortest paths problem in edge-weighted digraphs where the edge weights are non-negative
DirectedEdge The DirectedEdge class represents a weighted edge in an edge-weighted directed graph.
EdgeWeightedDigraph The EdgeWeightedDigrpah class represents an edge-weighted directed graph of vertices named 0 through V-1, where each directed edge is of type DirectedEdge and has real-valued weight.
Graph The Graph class represents an undirected graph of vertices named 0 through V - 1.
IndexMinPriorityQueueT The IndexMinPriorityQueue class represents an indexed priority queue of generic keys.
UnionFind The UnionFind class represents a union-find data type also known as the disjoint-sets data type. It models connectivity among a set of N sites named 0 through N - 1.

[8]: 2014-2016 Faron Bracy
