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RogueSharp / RogueSharp / FieldOfView / AppendFov

FieldOfViewAppendFov Method

Performs a field-of-view calculation with the specified parameters and appends it any existing field-of-view calculations. Field-of-view (FOV) is basically a calculation of what is observable in the Map from a given Cell with a given light radius.

Namespace: RogueSharp


public ReadOnlyCollection<Cell> AppendFov(
    int xOrigin,
    int yOrigin,
    int radius,
    bool lightWalls



Type: SystemInt32
X location of the Cell to perform the field-of-view calculation with 0 as the farthest left


Type: SystemInt32
Y location of the Cell to perform the field-of-view calculation with 0 as the top


Type: SystemInt32
The number of Cells in which the field-of-view extends from the origin Cell. Think of this as the intensity of the light source.


Type: SystemBoolean
True if walls should be included in the field-of-view when they are within the radius of the light source. False excludes walls even when they are within range.

Return Value

Type: ReadOnlyCollectionCell
List of Cells representing the what is observable in the Map based on the specified parameters


When a character is holding a light source in a large area that also has several other sources of light such as torches along the walls ComputeFov could first be called for the character and then AppendFov could be called for each torch to give us the final combined FOV given all the light sources

See Also


FieldOfView Class
RogueSharp Namespace

[4]: 2014-2016 Faron Bracy
