Inventory wont update amount of items

Issue #100 resolved
Former user created an issue

When attempting to change the quantity of items in the inventory, regardless of the value inputted, it defaults back to 1. This happens on both the client and the web browser (Windows 10, Chrome) as the GM or player.

Comments (7)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Having trouble reproducing this. Are there any errors in the console? Can you check for mod incompatibilities?

  2. Huw Talliss


    I’m having the same issue. If I change the quantity field of an item and press enter I get the following error in the chrome console and the quantity changes back to 1:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
        at setFieldValue (onloadwff.js:71)
        at HTMLFormElement.formKeydownListener (onloadwff.js:71)

    If I avoid pressing enter, and instead click somewhere else on the character sheet or if I tab to a different entry, the quantity stays at what I set it to and I don’t get the console error. However closing and re-opening the sheet shows the value didn’t save, and the quantity is back to 1.

    It’s possible it’s module incompatibilities as I have a fair number enabled in my world, though I haven’t seen any overt incompatibility errors.

    Active modules:

    Hope this helps!

  3. Huw Talliss

    I’ve managed to narrow down which module is causing the issue and it’s “The Furnace”

    It seems that changing the quantity of an item instead always changes the quantity of the 1st item in your inventory, leaving the item you tried to edit unchanged.

    I can at least stop using the furnace and obsidian together in the meantime c:

  4. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Thanks for investigating, it’s useful to know. Until the incompatibility is resolved, you’ll have to disable one or the other, yes.

  5. Youness alaoui

    Thanks for the report. The issue was with the variable used by Obsidian when rendering the sheet. The idx variable was being replaced by the idx handlebar helper that Furnace adds to handlebar (for indexing an array). I made the HB helper return the variable if it gets called without arguments, which fixed it. v2.0 of furnace is released with the fix. Sorry for the oversight!

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