
Issue #102 resolved
Cisco created an issue

I dont know if this is a bug or not, but i can no longer see the spell list for any class

Comments (10)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I’m not able to reproduce this though there is a long-standing bug where the spell data sometimes fails to load for reasons that I’ve been unable to determine. Restarting foundry usually fixes it. If you try that, does the spell list load again for you?

  2. Cisco reporter

    it still the same after i restart, i even tryed to reinstall and the bug persist, even whith new character sheets and it only loads spells as custom.
    No errors in console.

  3. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Only other thing I can suggest is to check the module settings and see what compendium is being used to pull spells from.

  4. Cisco reporter

    OK. so by changing the compendium on settings it fixed the problem when i created new character sheets, but i had to restart every existing character class and the spell list of each of them.
    I also noticed that if i go to the config tab for obsidian and click on export and modify anything in there this bug happends and i have to restart the class and spells again

  5. Kim Mantas repo owner

    What do you mean by restarting ‘every existing character class and the spell list of each of them’?

    Are you certain you mean export and not import? Export just gives you a dump of the spell list, modifications to it shouldn’t affect anything.

  6. Cisco reporter

    by restarting i mean that i have to delete the class and add it again and select every spell again or it stays as custom spell.

    and yes it was import my bad.

  7. Kim Mantas repo owner

    OK, thanks, I think I understand what’s happening. Obsidian maintains the spell lists for each class, and you can see them all when you click ‘export’. Similarly, using ‘import’ allows you to entirely replace the spell lists that come with obsidian with your own spell lists. So if you put anything in the import box, it will wipe all the stored spell lists and replace it with whatever data you put in the import box (unless you just leave the import box blank).

    So that explains why the spell lists stopped working whenever you modified the import box. It doesn’t really explain what caused your initial issue where the spell lists stopped working on your sheets though.

    In future, if you accidentally wipe the spell lists, you can reset them to the default that comes with obsidian by running the following in the console:

    game.settings.set('obsidian', 'spell-class-lists', '');

  8. Cisco reporter

    So now that i have reseted the spell list and all, everything seems to be working fine.

    But i still im curious about how it originated

  9. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Yeah, I’m not sure either. If you notice it again, try to take note of what you were doing at the time that it happened and either reply here again or open a new issue, it will help me get to the bottom of this, thanks.

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