Unable to open character sheet (Obsidian 3.3.0)

Issue #105 resolved
Administrator created an issue

One of my users is unable to open the Obsidian character sheet, as it results in the following error:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'attacks' of undefined
at Obsidian.getData (obsidian.js:176)
at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:3824)
at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:4434)
at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:17199)
at Obsidian._render (obsidian.js:371)
at Obsidian.render (foundry.js:3798)
at Obsidian.render (obsidian.js:189)
at ActorDirectory._onClickEntityName (foundry.js:39121)
at HTMLOListElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:2)
at HTMLOListElement.v.handle (jquery.min.js:2)

Steps to reproduce:

Assign Obsidian to this user, and they cannot access their character sheet (nor can I, as the GM)

Error appears in Chrome. In the foundry client, nothing happens when trying to access the character sheet.

Running MacOS Catalina

Chrome Version 83.0.4103.61 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Comments (6)

  1. Eadorin

    We ran into the same issue tonight when a player updated his Wisdom modifier manually. Upon closing it, it no longer opened. I’m afraid I didn’t get a copy of the errors. The character had been created and imported via VTTAssets/D&D Beyond

  2. Eadorin

    Additionally, got this tonight, requiring a browser page refresh:

    handlebars.min.js:27 Uncaught (in promise) 
    description: undefined
    endLineNumber: undefined
    fileName: undefined
    lineNumber: undefined
    message: "The partial modules/obsidian/html/tabs/actions.html could not be found"

  3. Kim Mantas repo owner

    If a character is imported after obsidian has already been enabled, it won’t have an opportunity for its data to be appropriately converted.

    I don’t know what that second error is about, or how it’s related to this issue. Do you have the steps taken to reproduce it?

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