Spells do not add in the spell tab

Issue #11 resolved
Cisco created an issue
  1. Created a new world, after that loaded a scene and added a new character sheet, then after adding some items and 2 spells the character sheet just froze in the middle of the screen and could not close it or open a new one, then closed the world and it just would not load
  2. expected to modify the character sheet by adding some spells and items
  3. instead it did not and just froze but whith me being able to minimize it, until i clicked on the edit button next to the class
  4. encountered this issue in foundry app and web browser

note: first image is when added more than 2 spells, an error in console poped up, second image is when it froze and would not let me do anything besides minimize it and third image is when i loaded up foundry again.

Comments (6)

  1. Cisco reporter

    just tried to add random spells to try the sheet out, when added more than 2 the errors appeared

  2. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I think it’s definitely caused by bad data in one particular spell rather than by the number of spells added, but it’s ok if you can’t remember, I will try to find it myself.

  3. Cisco reporter

    Error appears again if i add spells (fireball) to a custom class, only obsidian module activated and my world does not load at all.

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