does not let player edit character sheet

Issue #12 resolved
Cisco created an issue
  1. My player tried to edit his character sheet, i gave him a new one with owner control over it so he can edit it, when trying to unequip an item it wwould not let him even when owner permission, to try somethings as a GM added arrows to his inventory and it would not let him change the quantity of arrows or ammo or even click on use
  2. expected full an total control over his character sheet, so he can change it a will and me not being editing all the time
  3. it did not let him edit some aspects of the sheet
  4. Issue encountered in foundry web browser

Comments (5)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I’m afraid I’m having trouble reproducing this. I was able to create an actor, create a new player, then assign ownership of the actor to the player. When I logged in as that player, I was able to equip/unequip and modify the quantities of the items. It looks like there might be some other issue going on with the items from what I can see of the error messages but I can’t seem to reproduce it on my end. Were there some other steps you followed aside from the ones I listed?

  2. Cisco reporter

    when i was logged as a player it worked fine aswell, but when another user tried to edit the sheet it would deliver the message and the error.

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