Add Action element to Effect

Issue #143 new
Edward Crompton created an issue

If you add an Attack element to an effect it will display as an attack option on the sheet. If you define a Feature type item you can designate the type of action that it presents as an option on the character sheet.

A number of items allow you to carry out properties as a type of action.

I’d like to add an element to the effect for that property that would cause that effect to display as a option of the relevant action type on the sheet.

Comments (2)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    This one makes sense to me, it’s just a bit tricky to implement at the moment with the way the code is structured and with how cluttered in general those tabs can get at higher levels.

    So this will probably be on the back-burner for a little while until I can come up with a neat solution. In the meantime I am open to suggestions as to how those tabs can be revamped.

  2. Edward Crompton reporter

    ATM you have Tabs (Action), Sub-Tab (Attack) and Heading (Attack) followed by the list of options.

    Perhaps the Heading could be collapsible and named after the item type that allows it to be an option. ie Weapon, Feature, Spell.

    Also the count of options within the heading could be displayed on the heading and the heading be hidden if empty.

    I only see two possible ways of this being handled.

    1. Common Data Source

    If the data comes from a managed datasource for this display element with events adding and removing options from the datasource by common functions. You would then have to manage the function calls to ensure options are consistently handled, but this could allow you to distribute the calls throughout other areas.

    The datasource would require derivable properties for Tab, Sub-Tab and Heading to allow the display to filter based on the respective tab selection.

    2. Populated on tab selection.

    One function call that accepts the tab selection as input and interrogates the rest of the data structure to derive the options for the list. Could be broken down to multiple sub-functions to handle each tab selection.

    Option 1 could get messy trying to ensure the datasource doesn’t fall out of sync. Also the options may display differing columns depending on the tab selection.

    Option 2 could get messy as more elements are added but it would all be in one place.

    Admittedly I’m taking a wild punt without knowledge of your data structure or environment so this could easily be implausible.

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