Adding class spell list through effect broken?

Issue #144 resolved
Robert Rowe created an issue

When using a feature to add a full class list to an actor, this error appears when trying to actually learn a spell through the interface:

And when you refresh, the sheet becoming inoperable, giving this error while loading, not fixed until you export/import the sheet to get it openable, and removing the feature granting the spell list:

Comments (4)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I wasn’t able to reproduce this but, looking at the errors, it looks as though the spell list data failed to load. It’s kind of a rare bug that I haven’t gotten to the bottom of yet, but it’s usually fixed by restarting foundry entirely.

    If that still doesn’t fix it, it’s worth checking under the module settings to configure the class spell lists and making sure everything in there looks ok (don’t use the import button).

  2. Naive8A

    I have reproduced this in a fresh world:

    • FVTT: 0.6.4
    • D&D5e 0.93
    • Obsidian 3.6.3

    The behavior above (the sheet becoming inoperable after reloading) is temporarily resolved by duplicating the sheet. (The new sheet is openable; the original cannot be opened.)

    The behavior above can be reproduced on a new actor using Obsidian Character and Item Effect sheets, if and only if (as far as I have tested) the feature is marked as a class feature (as opposed to it being from “Other,” “Race,” or “Feat”).

    To elaborate on the screenshot, the pictured state is sufficient to make the sheet unopenable upon reloading the page. Changing “Source” in the New Feature to anything besides “Class” will prevent the issue.

    EDIT 2:
    I should also add that having a class set from the compendium is unnecessary to reproduce this bug on my end.

  3. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Thanks for following up on this and providing some additional information. It looks like I too easily dismissed this as a different bug. I've been able to reproduce it now and the fix should be available in 3.7.2.

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