Character sheet wont open

Issue #16 resolved
Cisco created an issue
  1. When updated to 1.0.11 the module seemed to work fine, after closing the app and launching it the day after i got some error in console besides problems with the module not letting me zoom in or out, adding to that the character sheets wont open and another error in console pops up
  2. expected the character sheet to open and the system to work
  3. errors appear on console if i click on the Character sheet, if i put a token of the CS and it does not let me Zoom in or out
  4. Encountered on foundry app (0.4.1) and web browser

Comments (28)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Difficult to work out what’s going wrong there. Might not just be issues with obsidian. Are you able to zip up your world folder and send it to me?

  2. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Certainly looks like at least combat utility belt is enabled, not sure why it would load that file otherwise, but I’ll take a look and see if I can work out what’s going on.

  3. Cisco reporter

    uninstalled all of the modules and left only obsidian installed and activated. Now its working without issue for some reason

  4. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Ah, thanks for letting me know, probably some sort of mod incompatibility then. Sorry about that, I do want to work in compatibility with popular mods eventually but I have quite limited time.

  5. Cisco reporter

    Hey after opening foundry app today i saw that my world would not load so i opened console and this poped up. I only have obsidian installed and activated

  6. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Are you able to send me your actors.db file? Not sure what could have caused this error.

  7. Kim Mantas repo owner

    All of the tools data for those actors looks fine and not corrupted. I was also able to load your actor data into a new world without that error appearing so I’m not sure how else to proceed. Does your world still not load at all?

  8. Cisco reporter

    So i restarted my pc and opened up foundry app, activated the module and it seemed to work fine for a minute then while i opened up a few character sheets the error in the image happened and the tokens disappeared and does not let me open them.

  9. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Unfortunately, I can’t see anything wrong with your actors.db and wasn’t able to reproduce it with some cursory poking around so I’m afraid I’ll need more specific steps to track down this bug. Like, what exact character sheets you opened, and what things you did with them that then caused the error to appear. It seems it just starts working again after restarting foundry each time? Or is it unrecoverable now?

  10. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Nevermind, I was able to reproduce this just now. The clue was that you mentioned tokens. I’ll see if I can put out a fix soon.

  11. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I think the bug is fixed, but it wouldn’t have restored any corrupted data, which is probably the issue you’re experiencing. If you want to send me your world, I should be able to restore it for you.

  12. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Can you please tell me exactly what you’re clicking on so that I can reproduce the issue?

  13. Cisco reporter

    ok. so i used the world that you send me, then i clicked on the characters sheets that are on the PC2 folder, then i closed them all and everthing seemed fine until i placed a token that is linked to the sheets, clicked the token to open the sheet and then the error came up

  14. Kim Mantas repo owner

    OK, I think I got to the bottom of this finally and have pushed a fix. It's likely that any changes you made to encounter the issue have resulted in some corrupted data again so you'll probably have to use the repaired world I sent earlier again.

  15. Cisco reporter

    It seemed to work for a little bit but then the sheet froze in the midddle of the screen and this appeared in console

  16. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Those yellow messages are just warnings and probably not relevant, but I can see the console is reporting 4 errors, can you scroll up to find them?

  17. Cisco reporter

    those error were related to a missing image. but now that i opened it up foundry again, edited the XP of a character sheet and it froze (can’t click it or close it)

  18. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Hmm, well I can’t see any errors, and am not able to reproduce your issue by editing the XP of that character. Is the whole app locked up or are you able to press ‘Esc’ to close the sheet? Does it happen consistently every time you edit XP? Does it happen with every dialog box or just the XP one?

  19. Cisco reporter

    it happens every time i edit random things on a character sheet (Gold, XP, levels, Items), and when it freezes its like nothing is there, like a stale image on the screen, i can click tokens, other character sheets but the one tha froze can’t even click it and when i click on the folder to open it again nothing happens

  20. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Ah ok, yes, I think I have seen this before occasionally. When the dialog closes, it’s supposed to return focus to the main sheet but sometimes fails, and I haven’t been able to work out why yet since it seems totally random. I’ll raise another issue for it.

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