Character & NPC sheets not opening

Issue #191 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am unable to get most character sheets to open as well as NPC sheets I set to obsidian. Some still open. Also if I set the default for all sheets to Obsidian then only the sheet I was using when I set it works, the rest refuse to open.

For the players I get this error: TypeError: An error occurred while rendering Obsidian 79: Cannot read property 'attacks' of undefined at Obsidian.getData (obsidian.js:180) at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:3976) at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:4588) at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:17526) at Obsidian._render (obsidian.js:409) at Obsidian.render (foundry.js:3946) at Obsidian.render (obsidian.js:193) at Token._onClickLeft2 (foundry.js:38842) at MouseInteractionManager.callback (foundry.js:31015) at MouseInteractionManager._handleClickLeft2 (foundry.js:31219)

For the NPCs I get TypeError: An error occurred while rendering ObsidianNPC 86: Cannot read property 'collection' of undefined at ObsidianNPC.getData (npc.js:131) at ObsidianNPC._render (foundry.js:3976) at ObsidianNPC._render (foundry.js:4588) at ObsidianNPC._render (foundry.js:17526) at ObsidianNPC.render (foundry.js:3946) at ObsidianNPC.render (npc.js:139) at Token._onClickLeft2 (foundry.js:38842) at MouseInteractionManager.callback (foundry.js:31015) at MouseInteractionManager._handleClickLeft2 (foundry.js:31219) at MouseInteractionManager._handleMouseDown (foundry.js:31179)

Comments (2)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Looks like a lot of those actors were imported using a tool or module (plutonium if I had to guess based on some of those image URLs), so this is a module incompatibility and not a bug.

    Some of the starter PC sheets also appeared to be broken but I had no issue opening fresh ones dragged from the starter heroes compendium while obsidian was enabled. It’s possible they were originally dragged from the compendium before obsidian was enabled and didn’t migrate properly.

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