Applying damage not working.

Issue #195 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I have a token selected, and click the little tick next to the damage roll to apply damage, the damage is not applied.

Minor issue, and maybe it's something I'm doing wrong, but this is a huge thing for me when I have a lot of monsters to tend to - a massive time saver.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wall

    I didn’t realise I wasn’t logged in when I first asked the question. Is there any way to change that? The other sheets I’ve used only requires you to have a token selected, not targeted. Easier as a DM to apply damage as required that way I find. If not, that’s cool!!! Also I think I gave this the wrong tags - sorry!!

  2. Kim Mantas repo owner

    There is no way to change it, no. Obsidian was designed with the convention that ‘permanent’ or ‘destructive’ operations require targeting, while non-destructive operations require selecting. For example, if you select a group of tokens and click to apply a saving throw, it will simply roll the save for each of those selected tokens but do nothing else. If you instead target them all, it will roll the save and apply damage and effects if they fail.

    Applying damage is classed as a ‘destructive’ operation as it alters the token’s state and so it requires targeting.

    It is recommended that you use the easy-target module with obsidian as that will allow you to toggle between selection and targeting modes by holding the Alt key.

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