Character Sheets and NPC sheets unable to open after Migration Failure

Issue #200 resolved
Former user created an issue

Obsidian Actor: TypeError: Cannot read property 'effects' of undefined at bonusToParts (bonuses.js:180) at Object.calculateDamage (prepare.js:176) at damage (item.js:345) at prepareEffects (item.js:524) at Item5e.<anonymous> (item.js:17) at ObsidianActor._prepareOwnedItems (foundry.js:30343) at ObsidianActor.prepareEmbeddedEntities (foundry.js:30321) at ObsidianActor._onUpdate (foundry.js:30568) at foundry.js:29229 at (<anonymous>)

This shows in the console after a failed migration. Upon page refresh, spells and other things have been migrated but character/npc sheets will not open.

Comments (16)

  1. Justin Gable

    It does prompt for another one after a refresh, the error repeats after trying to migrate again

  2. Justin Gable

    TypeError: An error occurred while rendering Obsidian 46: Cannot read property 'itemsByType' of undefined
    at Obsidian.getData (obsidian.js:181)
    at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:4434)
    at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:5088)
    at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:16570)
    at Obsidian._render (obsidian.js:413)
    at Obsidian.render (foundry.js:4404)
    at Obsidian.render (foundry.js:5553)
    at Obsidian.render (obsidian.js:197)
    at ActorDirectory._onClickEntityName (foundry.js:16051)
    at ActorDirectory._onClickEntityName (foundry.js:25134)

    This Error appears when trying to open a character sheet after refreshing the failed migration

  3. Kim Mantas repo owner

    OK, just checking. The sheets will not open until the migration is successful. Are you able to provide the error that occurs during the failed migration?

  4. Justin Gable

    These bugs show up in this order, but this isn’t the first time I have failed a migration so I am unsure if that matters.

  5. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I can’t see any references to migration code in those errors, but I have some suspicions as to what might be going on. Can you send me your actors.db and items.db?

  6. Justin Gable

    Sure, I had a strange fix however. Importing all of my Actors from the Actor tab to a Compendium allowed it to work, even though previously it did not work on conpendium actors.

    How would I go about sending you these?

  7. Kim Mantas repo owner

    So I don’t have any issues with migrating your data when I attempt. That suggests there is another mod interfering with the migration process. Also, make sure you’ve updated to the latest dnd5e version as that could also cause issues.

    I’m also not convinced those errors are from the migration process. Please try the migration again, but do not refresh the page at all or attempt to open any sheets once it fails, just open up the console and screenshot any errors there.

    You can also try disabling other mods and re-attempting the migration.

  8. Justin Gable

    I am unsure is a mod was causing it, but I did fix it. The only modules I has enabled were Obsidian, Permission Viewer, Plutonium, Pings, and 3D Dice.
    Moving everything with the new Import to Compendium feature allowed it to complete the migration correctly. I no longer get errors and everything seems to work fine. If you would like me to try and “Re-enact” I can use my backup and emulate the original time it happened

  9. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Don’t worry about it for now so long as it’s working for you. I’ll keep those mods in mind in case other people report issues though. Thanks for your help.

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