Does not let me delete an active feat

Issue #21 resolved
Cisco created an issue

While creating a feature of a character and tried to delete it, the sheet would not let me and an error comes up on console

Comments (3)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I’ve investigated this and determined it is actually caused by a bug in foundry. What happens is the first time you click to delete the feature, it is actually deleted, but the sheet continues to show it because of the foundry bug. When you click to delete it again, the feature does not actually exist anymore so it throws an error. You can check this by deleting the feature once, then refreshing foundry (F5), and opening the sheet again, and you should see the feature gone.

    I can potentially add a workaround for this foundry bug until it is patched (probably in 0.4.4 or 0.4.5) if it is particularly troublesome, but then I’ll have to remember to remove it later so I’d rather not. If it’s really too annoying though, let me know and I’ll add it.

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