Spells damage appears to increase somehow?

Issue #212 resolved
Scott Wall created an issue

Okay…. so… this will only affect concentration spells, really, but it’s still an issue.

If I cast a spell, it rolls damage fine, no problems. If I cast that same spell again before the “concentration” runs out (or before I end my turn), the damage gets progressively higher and higher.

The example posted below is the same spell cast at 7th level (should be 10d8 damage).

  • 1st cast, it’s correct.
  • 2nd cast, it’s correct.
  • 3rd cast it’s gained two additional dice, out of nowhere.
  • 4th cast it’s gained three more on top of the additional two, again, out of nowhere.

If the spell has concentration and continues to deal damage (see something like Spirit Guardians), each round the damage continues to get higher and higher. The only way to stop this happening is to delete the timer above the hot bar.

Comments (3)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Just to be clear, this only happens when you’re re-casting the spell from the duration bubble?

  2. Scott Wall reporter

    Anytime you recast the spell, whether from the bubble, or from the sheet directly. It only happens while the bubble is up. As soon as you delete the bubble, no problems.

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