Spells don't seem to be appearing on the character sheet

Issue #222 resolved
Scott Wall created an issue

I’ll attach screenshots:

V 4.3.3 sheet shows spells as normal.
V 4.3.4 sheet does not show spells on sheet as normal.

Comments (12)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I’m not able to reproduce this. It seems that your spells in the second screenshot do not have their sources displaying correctly either. Make sure you’re all up-to-date, and then if the issue persists, you might need to send over your actors.db.

  2. Scott Wall reporter

    The sources are displaying correctly for the most part. I do believe the ones not showing correctly are in fact a user issue (not assigning a source, just adding the spell).So I exported a character from the game where spells are not appearing correctly, then imported it into the game where the spells are appearing correctly, and all the spells are there! But if I export it back, the spells don’t show again. No idea what’s happening here haha

    Attaching Actor DB

  3. Kim Mantas repo owner

    If the character works in a different world, that suggests the data is fine. When I loaded up your actor.db myself I also had no issues viewing characters' spells on their sheet.

    Things to check now are differences in modules that you have enabled between the two worlds. Another module might be causing this issue. Also worth checking the spell compendium settings configured under obsidian’s module settings. Make sure you’re pointing to the desired spell compendium, and also try changing which spell compendium is selected and see if the spells start appearing again.

  4. Scott Wall reporter

    So we’ve compared modules, both games are running the same modules and using the same versions of system and modules. Made sure spells are using correct lists, still having the issue… but also discovered that we can’t open NPC sheets imported from DnD Beyond.

    Any ideas? Starting to guess it’s not an Obsidian issue specific, but hoping you might have an idea of next step to take.
    Thank you for all your time so far, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.

  5. Scott Wall reporter

    Okay… update. We exported the entire world, deleted it, imported it again, and VOILA! Everything appears to be functioning normally.
    However, any attempt to open an NPC sheet is met with the following error in the console.
    So far it hasn’t really caused any noticeable issues, with the exception of not opening an NPC sheet that has “unarmed strike” as an action.

  6. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Thanks for keeping me updated, I’m glad you were able to progress at least. When you say you’re unable to open NPC sheets, is it just the sheets that have unarmed strike as an action or is it any NPC sheet?

    With regards to that error, it doesn’t appear to be in obsidian nor foundry code, it looks like it’s being thrown in another module’s code.

  7. Scott Wall reporter

    OKAY! Figured it out, so gonna resolve this. Had something to do with the latest version of 5e for Foundry. A bunch of people are having the problem, rolling back fixed it.
    Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!!!

  8. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Thank you very much for following up. I haven’t noticed anything in my own worlds on the latest version of dnd5e, though it seems it was only released a few hours ago. Do you have any more details? Is it something that I should expect to be fixed in a later dnd5e release? Or do I need to employ a workaround or patch the code myself in obsidian (which I’ve done for other bugs in the past)?

  9. Scott Wall reporter

    It was v 1.2.1. I don’t have the details, but in the Foundry server they were talking about it breaking things.
    They released V1.2.2 just a couple hours before I closed this thread. The new version fixed the issues that were caused in the previous version.

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