"Provide Spells" items bypass attunement. Spells remain on character sheet after deleting item.

Issue #226 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am trying to create an item that provides a spell to a character while they are carrying it and are attuned to it.

Unless I am misunderstanding the options here, the item should not grant the spell while not attuned, but it appears and is able to be cast from the character sheet. In addition, the spell remains on the character sheet after being deleted. I assume this isn't supposed to be the case since "Provided by Item" implies that the spell and the item are a package deal.

The spell can't be removed while the item is in the character's inventory, but can be manually deleted after the item removed.

Comments (6)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Just a quick update on this: I have fixed the issue of spells appearing despite not being attuned to an item that requires it. It just got caught up in a larger feature I was working on at the time, so it will be rolled into that update a bit later.

    With regards to your issue of spells not being removed when their parent item is, it’s not something I was able to reproduce. It does happen in a couple of stages so it’s possible that an error during item removal would prevent the spells from also being deleted. Please check your console while deleting an item to see if there are any errors.

  2. Rhundas Karu

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: spells.filter is not a function
        at ObsidianActor.createEmbeddedEntity (actor.js:399)
        at async Object.drop (reorder.js:106)
    createEmbeddedEntity @ actor.js:399
    async function (async)
    drop @ reorder.js:106
    onDrop @ sheet.js:434
    form.ondrop @ obsidian.js:104

    This error occurs when the item is added to the character sheet. No errors when deleted.

  3. Kim Mantas repo owner

    That error would certainly cause the item and its child spells to become disconnected, but what would cause that error in the first is still not clear.

    I would just like to rule out some obvious issues first: What versions of foundry, dnd5e, and obsidian are you using? Do you have any other mods installed, and do you experience the same error with only obsidian enabled?

  4. Rhundas Karu
    • Foundry 0.7.9
    • D&D5e 1.2.2
    • Obsidian 4.3.11

    I have a handful of other mods installed, however a similar error occurs in a fresh world with only Obsidian enabled.

    actor.js:399 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: spells.filter is not a function
        at ObsidianActor.createEmbeddedEntity (actor.js:399)
        at async Object.drop (reorder.js:106)

  5. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Thank you for your help, I was finally able to reproduce this and implement a fix. It should be included in the next, larger update that I mentioned before.

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