Can't equip items and some NPC actors don't open.

Issue #227 resolved
KenCalDi created an issue

Hello and thank again for help with the issue #225.

Now after migrating Obsidian most functions work perfectly fine but noticed I am no longer abe to “equip“ or “unequip“ items regardless where they are pulled from. I get the following when giving an actor a random item like a ”Battleaxe” from the SRD Items Compendium
foundry.js:2499 TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelectorAll' of null
at addTogglesToInventoryTab (actor-settings.js:24)
at actor-settings.js:19
at Function._call (foundry.js:2496)
at (foundry.js:2481)
at Obsidian._render (foundry.js:4547)
at async Obsidian._render (foundry.js:5157)
at async Obsidian._render (obsidian.js:423)

And if I try to equip it on the character it shows
sheet.js:455 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'equippable' of undefined
at Object.onEquip (sheet.js:455)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (sheet.js:67)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:2)
at HTMLButtonElement.v.handle (jquery.min.js:2)

Additionally, and I am not sure if it is related, when trying to open NPCs from any compendiums I get foundry.js:4481 TypeError: An error occurred while rendering ObsidianNPC 126: Cannot read property 'collection' of undefined
at ObsidianNPC.getData (npc.js:133)
at ObsidianNPC._render (foundry.js:4509)
at ObsidianNPC._render (foundry.js:5157)
at ObsidianNPC._render (foundry.js:16788)
at ObsidianNPC.render (foundry.js:4479)
at ObsidianNPC.render (foundry.js:5621)
at ObsidianNPC.render (npc.js:142)
at Compendium._onEntry (foundry.js:28685)

I appreciate again the help

Comments (4)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    For your first issue, it looks like another mod is interfering: actor-settings.js is not an obsidian file. It’s worth disabling whatever mod it is and then seeing if that fixes your issue.

    With regards to your NPC issue, when you say you can’t open NPCs from any compendia. Do you mean just opening the compendium then clicking the NPC? Or are you having trouble with NPCs that are imported from a compendium, and they cannot then be subsequently opened?

    If it’s the former, then could you check if you have trouble opening NPCs from the Monsters (SRD) compendium specifically? That’s the only NPC compendium included with the dnd5e system and I have no trouble opening NPCs from it. Since that compendium is provided by the dnd5e system, your world data shouldn’t affect it at all, so I would expect our experiences to be the same.

  2. KenCalDi reporter

    After disabling all modules except obsidian both problems are resolved. I will start selectively enabling them back to try and figure out the source. Thank you!

  3. KenCalDi reporter

    Turns out the Equipment issue was coming from the Dynamic Effects Module, and the NPCs not opening was related to the OGL Character Sheet. After disabling all was back to normal. I appreciate the help.

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