Ability to add damage to a weapon that is only added to the critical hit damage side on the chat rolls (e.g. Vicious Weapon)

Issue #229 resolved
Can created an issue

Hi, I'm new to Foundry VTT and I love your character sheet, it seems to be the best looking and most accessible of the bunch for me, though some things were not as customizable. I've been able to find workarounds for most of them (adding custom damage dice by editing rules.js, multiplying flat damage modifiers on a critical hit by using d1s, etc.), however this feature that even just some of the base weapons in D&D 5e have doesn't seem to be supported, nor was I able to find a way to do it manually.

I think it would be helpful both to people who make custom things like me and to people who play pure vanilla 5e if you could add such a feature to support custom critical damage modifiers. And it would solve the only real remaining issue I have with this sheet, making it pretty much perfect for me.

Comments (2)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    This has been added now in some limited form in 4.4.8. Damage components can have a 'crit damage' addon applied to them with some extra dice. This should handle things like the Vicious Weapon or the Vorpal Sword. Actually having additional, separate damage types only on the crit side would require a greater rework of the damage rolling code, which I haven't seen a use case for yet.

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