Destroy on Empty

Issue #235 resolved
Scott Wall created an issue

Having this option ticked for an item used to delete the item when its quantity reached 0. It no longer deletes the item, keeping it in your inventory with a quantity of “0”.

Comments (4)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    Are you sure? This issue #53 from a year ago explains how the ‘destroy on empty’ is intended to work, and that it leaves items at 0 quantity. It’s possible it stopped working like that in the interim, but that wasn’t the intention.

  2. Scott Wall reporter

    ahhh that is cool.

    at some point it was definitely removing the item from the sheet, my players were excited about it functioning that way, especially because one of them has troubles with discerning numbers, so if it's on her sheet, she thinks she has it.

    So I'm not sure exactly what happened or how it happened, but if that's the intended function as is, that's cool. I can easily keep track of that stuff for her if needed. 🙂

  3. Kim Mantas repo owner

    I will add the option at some point, something like a checkbox on the item for ‘keep at 0’. I might experiment with a way of highlighting rows that are 0 quantity too because it’s definitely easy to miss.

  4. Scott Wall reporter

    That would be amazing, but no rush! It’s not the most important thing. Thanks for the help! Marking as resolved :D

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