Odd spell scaling.

Issue #238 resolved
Scott Wall created an issue

Less an issue, and more an inquiry.

I'm not sure if I'm misssing something, if it's currently not doable, or if it's impossible to do, but I'm curious as to if there's a way to make spells like Shadow Blade scale appropriately. So far I can only make it scale as cantrips do, or per level, but this spell gets scaling based on specific spell levels you use (damage increase at 5/6, 7/8, and 9).

Comments (3)

  1. Kim Mantas repo owner

    It should be possible, yes, it’s a bit verbose though. You can do it using the ‘threshold’ feature of the scaling component. When you use threshold scaling you specify what you want the damage or effect to be at those thresholds, rather than specifying an increase per level.

    So, the scaling for Shadow Blade would look like this:

  2. Scott Wall reporter

    That is perfect. Thank you! I figured Threshold had something to do with it but wasn’t sure what or how lol
    Thank you ! Closing!

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